Messing with the Eye
Medical Director of Shroff Eye Hospital, Dr. Abha Shroff, says, "Staring at the computer for hours on end, might cause some very uncomfortable temporary eye problems."
When your eye has to constantly focus on something (the computer screen) in a closer range, the eye muscles tend to get tired very soon.
So, more often than not, you are straining your eyes, which could cause problems like eye dryness, neck pain, blurry near sight, headaches or difficulty changing focus.
Dry eyes can also occur because you tend to blink less while concentrate on the computer screen and keep our eyes wide open. This results in drying up of the tear film.
Slumber Facts
Sleep Specialist Dr. Jagdish Shah feels that if you are a workaholic, you are invariably inviting a silent killer into your life.
Age ---->Minimum Amount of Sleep Required Daily
Medical Director of Shroff Eye Hospital, Dr. Abha Shroff, says, "Staring at the computer for hours on end, might cause some very uncomfortable temporary eye problems."
When your eye has to constantly focus on something (the computer screen) in a closer range, the eye muscles tend to get tired very soon.
So, more often than not, you are straining your eyes, which could cause problems like eye dryness, neck pain, blurry near sight, headaches or difficulty changing focus.
Dry eyes can also occur because you tend to blink less while concentrate on the computer screen and keep our eyes wide open. This results in drying up of the tear film.
Slumber Facts
Sleep Specialist Dr. Jagdish Shah feels that if you are a workaholic, you are invariably inviting a silent killer into your life.
Age ---->Minimum Amount of Sleep Required Daily
50 and above ---->6 hours
35-50 ---->8hours
Below 35 ----> 9-10 hours
According to Dr. Shah, workaholics tend to have disturbed sleep or even sleeplessness. This is simply because the body functioning, especially the autonomic nervous system goes haywire.
On the other hand, he believes that workaholics can feel also extremely tired and sleepy even after having a night's rest.
…so, does working those extra hours still seem like fun to you?
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